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M12 circular plug connector ready made-up (B coded)

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M12 circular plug connector ready made-up (B coded)
1,00 RON

Disponibilitate: În Stoc

M12 circular plug connector ready made-up (B coded)

Ready made-up fieldbus lines ensure easy and safe wiring of the fieldbus components.

Cable M12, ready made-up on one end, 10 meters (socket)  110070012

Cable M12, ready made-up on one end, 10 meters (plug)  110070013

Cable M12, ready made-up on both ends, 0,3 meters (socket)  110070007

Cable M12, ready made-up on both ends, 0,3 meters (plug)   110070011

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M12 circular plug connector ready made-up (B coded)

Ready made-up fieldbus lines ensure easy and safe wiring of the fieldbus components.

Cable M12, ready made-up on one end, 10 meters (socket)  110070012

Cable M12, ready made-up on one end, 10 meters (plug)  110070013

Cable M12, ready made-up on both ends, 0,3 meters (socket)  110070007

Cable M12, ready made-up on both ends, 0,3 meters (plug)   110070011
