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Active programming cable APKA II

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Active programming cable APKA II
1,00 RON

Disponibilitate: În Stoc

Active programming cable APKA II

By the repeater integrated in the plug, the active programming cable APKA facilitates a reactionless plugging on the PROFIBUS to program and check the logic communication quality. The 5 V supply required for repeater operation shall be made available through the pin 5 (GND) and the pin 6 (+5 V) of the contacted 9-pin sub-D socket.

Active programming cable APKA II - 110040001

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Active programming cable APKA II

By the repeater integrated in the plug, the active programming cable APKA facilitates a reactionless plugging on the PROFIBUS to program and check the logic communication quality. The 5 V supply required for repeater operation shall be made available through the pin 5 (GND) and the pin 6 (+5 V) of the contacted 9-pin sub-D socket.

Active programming cable APKA II - 110040001
