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BLUambas® PROFIBUS Premium

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BLUambas® PROFIBUS Premium
1,00 RON

Disponibilitate: În Stoc

BLUambas® PROFIBUS Premium

A PROFIBUS radio link can be established between a master module and a maximum of eight slave modules. A maximum of four PROFIBUS devices can be installed behind the radio link and with up to 1.5 Mbps. In addition PROFIsafe communication can be transmitted.

Antennas and adapters are not included and must be ordered separately.

BLUambas® PROFIBUS Premium master module IP20  - 125100108

BLUambas® PROFIBUS Premium master module IP65  - 125100109

BLUambas® PROFIBUS Premium slave module IP20 - 125100110

BLUambas® PROFIBUS Premium slave module IP65 - 125100111

Alte detalii tehnice


BLUambas® PROFIBUS Premium

A PROFIBUS radio link can be established between a master module and a maximum of eight slave modules. A maximum of four PROFIBUS devices can be installed behind the radio link and with up to 1.5 Mbps. In addition PROFIsafe communication can be transmitted.

Antennas and adapters are not included and must be ordered separately.

BLUambas® PROFIBUS Premium master module IP20  - 125100108

BLUambas® PROFIBUS Premium master module IP65  - 125100109

BLUambas® PROFIBUS Premium slave module IP20 - 125100110

BLUambas® PROFIBUS Premium slave module IP65 - 125100111
